Friday, April 6, 2012

Fire Painting

Painting with fire, one of my new favorite hobbies!!! I have beeen doing a lot of light painting lately with my photo a day challenge, but decided to up the intensity a bit by using open flame. I recently had a conversation with a photographer friend who suggested using steel wool to create light painted images. I didn't have any steel wool on me at the time so instead I decided to make my own fire wand. I took a steel wisk and tied it to a string. Inside I jammed a stainless steel scrubbing pad stuffed with cotton balls which I then soaked in rubbing alcohol (next time I will use white gas or something more flammable) then lit it on fire. I used the string to whip the flame round and create different patterns while I let my camera capture the movement. Here are a few of the shots, I can't wait to try this again!

If you use your imagination there are some pretty cool things hidden in there....

All Images Copyright © Chelsea Jean Photography 2012, Victoria, BC Photographer: Wedding Photographer, Portrait Photographer, Nature Photographer, Life Photographer.

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